Shannon Woods
Shannon Woods
There are several existing proposal docs marked "in discussion" in the repository. These need to be updated.
GitHub insights & pulse track some engagement information, but only for the last 1-2 weeks. We can use GH's REST API to query and cache this data for longer-term tracking.
Support for Metal should be documented as in prototype stage. Documentation must be added to docs/user-guide/ to indicate that Metal is available as a work in progress (e.g. see note...
Slang should document clearly in a table (or two tables) the maturity/stability level of: - Each target language - Each major feature (e.g. ray tracing, mesh shaders, autodiff) -- and...
I ran into trouble trying to set up a toy project that uses Slang to ingest existing GLSL shaders. It would be good to provide a section of documentation for...