SVG icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SVG copied to clipboard

Fork of the ms svg library

Results 133 SVG issues
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Hello! I use the newest SVG 3.4.4 with net6.0-windows7.0 targeted framework Windows Service. I have this svg with clipPath property and the document (svg) size is set to the same...

### Description We're using this library in a SVG editor and i've noticed that all the patterns i use end up either black or missing in the png or jpeg...

When I export my image, it exports as a pure black .svg file no matter what settings I tinker with.

info needed

#### Description MAUI Resizetizer uses svg-net for image conversion and resizing and for some [complex] SVG images conversion is not correct. #### Example data Given 2 SVGs: ![cantaloupe-svgrepo-com]( ![orange-svgrepo-com]( PNGs...

#### Description MAUI Resizetizer uses svg-net for image conversion and resizing and for some [complex] SVG images conversion is not correct. #### Example data Given SVG image: ![find_icon]( Image is...

#### Description MAUI Resizetizer uses svg-net for image conversion and resizing and for some [complex] SVG images conversion is not correct. In this case Font rendering. #### Example data Following...

#### Description If a CSS color is specified using a hex string that includes the alpha channel, the resulting color is black regardless of value. Specifying the alpha channel another...

#### Description When drawing filled paths, a wrong border may appear around the path. #### Example data The following svg file shows a red border around yellow triangles. It doesn't...

#### Description If an svg file contains a circle with small radius (such as 1) which is referenced in a `use` element with large scaling and opacity < 1, it...

The following file can not de displayed correctly. ` ` It seems like the last path part was not rendered. ![renered with library]( the following was the image which...