SVG icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SVG copied to clipboard

Fork of the ms svg library

Results 133 SVG issues
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#### Description Saving a `SvgDocument` as PNG with an path having `stroke-dasharray` renders the stroke not 100% accurate: Original in Chrome: ![image]( Generated PNG (see the bottom right, there's an...

> [!NOTE] > For the documentation review, I have deployed the output to GitHub-Pages on my fork. > URL: > > **Nerdbank.GitVersioning** is currently generating error in docs build,...


#### Description When converting to png and using a letter-spacing in a text the letters goes to the first position and overlap, like it has no space. When removing the...

I'm currently the maintainer of the `svg-net` organization and one of the three core developers of the sole contained repository `SVG`. I have not contributed to the repo for quite...

let me show these problems by code and image: **SVG File** ``` Meterial Pakage Label Meterial: 101004117 Quantity: 30.000 PC Lot: 2402050001 Order: 490130186 Name: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ``` **C# Code** ```...

Both `text` elements with multiple child `tspan` elements, and `group` elements, incorrectly compute the bounding box. Have not tested other elements. _Example_: creating a `text` element with three `tspan`s internally...

#### Description When rendering the attached sample file to EMF (source:, the result is not as expected in a number of ways. The expected result would be: ![image]( The...


We're using this lib to export a user made SVG to PNG. In our app, we want the user to be able to put an outline around text and tried...

CSS Styling

#### Description There is a situation when you need to draw an SVG that contains an SVG inside, but with a larger ViewBox size. Resvg and Chrome draw the same,...


#### Description When rendering the given SVG it is just all black instead of rendering the gradient correctly. It seems to be replacing the rgba colours with #000000 so there...
