SVG icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SVG copied to clipboard

Fork of the ms svg library

Results 133 SVG issues
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There appears to be no simple way to change attribute values, remove an attribute, nor add an attribute for an SvgElement because its attribute collection is private and the access...


Error cannot install package 'Svg 3.4.0'. You are trying to install this package to the target of ". NETFramework, Version=v4.5 " project, but the package does not contain any assembly...

#### Fixes issue #482 #### What does this implement/fix? Explain your changes. Adds support for alpha masks. #### Any other comments? The _ImagesAreEqual_ method in _SvgTestHelper_ has been updated to...


#### Description This code to get text bounds size, but the width and height of rectangle be set to 1000, for some long text or text with large font...

#### Reference Issue The output image loses a lot of details source svg: ![source]( before fix (9k): ![after]( after fix (11k): ![before]( #### What does this implement/fix? Explain your changes....

#### Description I sent the following test case SVG to both the page (edge, chrome) and to the DLL. I was expecting agreement. The svg actually is testing whether my...

#### Description Using `SvgDocument.Draw()` to create a `Bitmap`, and then save it as png/jpg produces an image with wrong text alignment: It looks like the bottom line (tspan) is correctly...


#### Description Setting `SvgDocument.ViewBox` does not change the output of `SvgDocument.Draw()` I am trying to programmatically convert an SVG file into a PNG file. The SVG has some whitespace around...

#### Imported Style Sheets are Ignored My situation (generating charts in SVG) requires that the charts being localized to the customers' preferences. and we also have to send EMAILS and...

Not a bug report. Was trying to fork this library and spin it for different uses (my own is currently big and will only grow bigger!, needed something smaller to...