Results 5 issues of Sergio Vera

When rendering a map, this is shown with a grid delimiting each of its tiles. For an example, check [](


**Describe the bug** (*) The built-in UCT only checks PHP and XML files in live inspection. For example, checking `magepal/magento2-core` version 1.1.12, bundle UCT returns a bunch of deprecated warnings...


There are collections created for MAME and FBNeo, but this is inconsistent with how other collections are named, which are based on systems, not on specific emulators. As arcade systems...

Alpha Vantage times are in `US/Eastern` timezone. `time.Parse()` consider times to be in UTC, so `time.ParseInLocation()` must be used instead. Check for more information.

Hi @johnfactotum First of all, thank you for this library, it's really awesome :) I'm trying to store the current page of a document to the browser's local storage, so...
