Вы много уже перевели ? /www/server/panel/config/config.json - поменять тут язык на русский предварительно должна быть создана папка Russian /www/server/panel/BTPanel/static/language/list.json > {"name":"Simplified_Chinese","title":"简体中文"}, {"name":"English","title":"English"}, {"name":"Russian","title":"Russian"}
I create a file there, but it doesn't appear, can you help me with that, so that it appears there and I can gradually translate it?
Yes it is absolutely true, but on it it is impossible to eliminate such a problem? If you set parameters in AS then still there is also a white screen.
Yes, I already checked, I need to add that the site worked as a service, then when folding the music will play. Now it stops playing when the application is...
Let's not close this problem until now, maybe someone will be able to respond and help us, in the future it can help other people and make the application more...
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