if it need cloth config API?I just have cloth API
Oh, well, I already have cloth config API,
But I still can't use it on the server,But in the single-player world it can, so I'm sure it's not a clash of modules
Can you fix it for me? Or tell me what might have caused his mistake.
> I have the same problem
> 除非您激活了切换模式,否则按住该键是预期的行为。闪烁可能是由 optifine 修复引起的,因为 optifine 被不具有该行为的覆盖层破坏。 No, I'm running on fabric, no optifine.
I've checked to determine that the error is caused by Invmove, which calls something about the backpack panel. I have a bug demo video, but I can't send it to... I didn't release the shortcut, it was a mistake that caused the screen to close automatically, but because I was still holding the shortcut, it would eventually open. @tr7zw