Hi @RyoheiTomiyama , This plugin works great. Thanks for providing this plugin. In my case i am facing different issue. When service has two ip address, i am not able...
I have gone through the RTManager class. It has method to show/hide/automatic as options. `rtManager.setToolbarVisibility(RTManager.ToolbarVisibility.HIDE)`
Hi @aryzhov, Will you please add a support for null safety. Thanks, Sureace
Hi @dgilperez, Now i am calling _mdnsPlugin.stopDiscovery() after discovery is done. I think, this problem is resolved. I will update here if i found any issue. Thanks, Sureace.
> Hey @sureace ! I am not sure how to answer that, I am not a maintainer of this package. @terrabythia would you bit so kind? Hey @dgilperez , thank...