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Can't get ip address from discovery service
I have a problem with discovery services with this plugin. If I use Debug, I see all attributes of discoveredServices, but if I try to get ip I can't. If Try to save this to variable with var ipAddress = discoveredServices[0].ip I can't use, but can use name, type, port and attributes, but can't use ip.
I don't know if this is a bug or not. Why? Can help me? Thanks.
Hi, marco-1988
Is type of discoveredService ResolvedBonsoirService? if it is BonsoirService, don't have ip.
check it please. Or, can you look at the code ?
var service = event.service as ResolvedBonsoirService;
Then you can access service.ip
Hi @RyoheiTomiyama , This plugin works great. Thanks for providing this plugin. In my case i am facing different issue. When service has two ip address, i am not able to pick the right one. Example
service -> -> Here i am expecting second one. but it is giving the first ip always.
Hi, @sureace .
I'm sorry, but I'm not an administrator. I'm also a user. I agree that this plugin is great.
As for your question, 192.168.*. *
is a private IP.
If Discovery and Broadcast are connected to the same network, I think you can get 192.168.*.*
@sureace you might be interested in