Here it is @eldadfux https://my-appwrite-domain/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/callback/linkedin/61d9932a0eda26b103b0?error=user_cancelled_login&error_description=The+user+cancelled+LinkedIn+login&state=%7B%22success%22%3A%22http%3A%5C%2F%5C%2Fmyapp%3A3000%5C%2Fdashboard%22%2C%22failure%22%3A%22https%3A%5C%2F%5C%2Fmy-appwrite-domain%5C%2Fv1%5C%2Fauth%5C%2Foauth2%5C%2Ffailure%22%7D
Bit of an update with some debug That's the error once I am redirecter by Linkedin ``` Error 400 Param "code" is not optional. Error ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Error Trace file...
Thx @lohanidamodar for looking at the problem. The code is pretty straightforward Tried without a failure URI `appwrite.account.createOAuth2Session('linkedin', successURI)` and with. Does not change a thing `appwrite.account.createOAuth2Session('linkedin', successURI, failureURI)` Again...
Everything works as expected if I create first an anonymous session.
Oh .. I see ! Thanks for your reply ! It might be intesting to add this in the permissions section of the documentation as I don't seem to find...
Hello @stnguyen90 , The notice is so obvious that I missed it ;) I would put it on the top though just to avoid people like me stop at "As...
Just tried using a fulltext index and it *seems* to work. Would it be the route to follow ?
Fulltext option works great until I want to use multiple attributes in the fulltext index. Creating the inndex works in the console (no error) but when querying using this index...
Creating one single fulltext index for each attribute works though and I can query using a Search Query for each attributes defined in the index. So to be able to...
I am just hitting the need of tag as well : I have multiple columns acting as backlogs for specific projets but only one DOING to allow me not to...