
Results 255 comments of Sunli

Do you want the code below to work? `InternalMyObj` has `a` and `b` fields, but `MyObj` has only `a` field. ```rust mod remote { #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct InternalMyObj...

There is a problem with ownership here, when calling `Address::ToJson`, need to convert `Address` to `AddressHelper`, which will transfer ownership, unless `Address` implements `Clone`.

Maybe you can use `AddressHelper` directly? ```rust #[derive(Debug, Object, Eq, PartialEq)] struct MyObj { address: AddressHelper, value: u32, } ```

Although there are many places to add `.into()`, at least the compiler will tell you where to add it, is this a one-time job? 😂

I need to consider whether `Poem` should provide this feature.

I don't understand, is this caused by some rule of `cargo update`?

I can't reproduce it, `cargo update` always upgrades `poem` to the latest version.

This is currently not supported, I will add this now.

I added a `ForceHttps` middleware in the `1.2.13` version.

The `ForceHttps` middleware will redirect `http://host/path` to `https://host/path`, and the web browser will choose a different port according to the scheme. But if your url is `http://host:3000/path`, then it will...