
Results 255 comments of Sunli

I've added `SDLExportOptions::include_specified_by` method to enable `specifiedBy` directive.

Most of the time is spent fetching data from Redis.

@raptros Thank you so much for your PR! > decide: should enable_apollo_link be processed to implicitly enable federation (like having entities does?) And now the behavior of `enable_apollo_fed2_link` seems reasonable,...

I think @dariuszkuc is right,we should remove this option.😄

@raptros I think we still keep `enable_apollo_fed2_link` and tell users in the docs ( to enable Federation 2 support It needs to be called manually.

I decided to merge it first and then release the `5.0` version.

`Async-graphql v5.0` will only support `Federation 2`, compatibility with `Federation 1` does not seem to make much sense. 😂

@raptros sorry I removed some of your code. 😂

Released in `v4.0.16`