
Results 55 comments of Gamma_Draconis

I guess for what I want to be efficient, we would have to change the message container from a vector to a `deque`, which is more efficient than vectors in...

May I also ask for a better system for message part type detection? Currently, all it does is assert when you try to extract an `int` when you really have...

Is there a way to create a template class with default parameters without having to use `classname instanceName;` instead of just `classname instanceName;`? I feel this might be a little...

The unfortunate side-effect of making a template class is that all member functions have to be templates too. I am leaving much of the code unchanged, and adding a static_assert...

Have I ever told you guys at zmqpp headquarters how much I hate how long it takes for you to reply?

Um... Not to be rude, but have you people dropped off of the face of the planet or something? Where are you? Could you at least determine whether to accept...

Ok, so, one thing to note about Fmod, is that how many channels it can actually play at a time depends on how many channels the underlying hardware/API allows. Anything...

You can query how many real channels are available via `FmodSystem.SoftwareChannels`. This API reports on my system to be 64 channels.

As for the other issue, where all sound cuts out entirely, that might be something you will want to report to the Fmod team directly.

@herby40 are you sure you completely closed the app? I noticed with Windows 10 mobile that pressing the back arrow often times doesn't close the app like it did in...