Ivan Maximov
Ivan Maximov
What is your TFM in csproj?
Looking at your error output I think that this is caused by `runtime.win.System.IO.FileSystem. 4.3.0` that is located deeper in the dependencies tree and has **newer** version of dependencies located upper....
Then just do what compiler says - add newer dependencies explicitly.
Or even simpler - suppress NU1605 warning/error https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/reference/errors-and-warnings/nu1605 It seems that you force [`TreatWarningsAsErrors`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/compiler-options/errors-warnings#treatwarningsaserrors) for your project. NU1605 is warning. You may find [`WarningsNotAsErrors`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/compiler-options/errors-warnings#warningsaserrors-and-warningsnotaserrors) option rather usefull.
I have no write access. I'm just a reviewer.
> Also `.UseSerilog()` should use the settings file for configuration by default. This will create internal dependencies between packages. I'm sure the authors wanted to avoid this.
The short answer ia YES. 1. You can call any code in your resolvers, including, of course, the code that makes the calls to some databases. 2. Why not? It...
Located somewhere at the top of my to-do list. While there is no time to do this closely. I remember that in the first review I was thinking of moving...
ping @StefanSchoof as initial author of #34
@JorundMartinsen Is this issue still actual? Did the examples from the server project help you?