Subhashinie Koshalya
Subhashinie Koshalya
## Purpose Update the following in Policies for Choreo Connect - Support policies addHeader, removeHeader for response flow. - Update method rewrite policy ## Related PRs ## Related...
### Describe your problem(s) With the latest changes the test for invalid policy action has to be converted to an API deployment testcase. ### Describe your solution As mentioned here...
### Describe your problem(s) Envoy proxy by default emits HTTP header in different cases for request and response. Request received by backend: first letter upper and the rest is lower...
### Description: When the adapter does not start properly and ends with a 404, the enforcer keeps retrying. Usually when this happens locally we run `docker-compose down` and then run...
### Description: When - a cert file path or - a inline cert file is provided to the router by the adapter - if the file cannot be found (not...
### Description: Currently, we enable subscription validation for **API key** based on the `validateSubscription` param in the config of the issuer "https://localhost:9443/publisher". During the time we added this change, the...
### Describe your problem(s) Tests covered by - client sent : bandwidth throttling at API, app, subscription levels - server sent : event count at API, app levels This...
### Description: The backend jwt created by enforcer includes "=" in its base64 url encoding. As per trailing '=' characters must be omitted. ``` Base64url Encoding Base64 encoding using...
### Description: Although bandwidth throttling has been implemented with the frames must arrive atleast with a 800 millisecond gap for throttling to work. ### Steps to reproduce: ### Affected...
### Description: In interceptors, if the interceptor service returns a response with `headersToReplace` param, these headers gets added even when the header to replace is not present in the client...