Results 41 comments of Sujay Garlanka

@stevebingsoo Is there a reason you want chunk size as part of the response?

@mngrant @stevebingsoo You can currently get the [raw json data]( and parse it yourself. We have a ticket to deserialize more of the fields in the `Event` item, but it...

Internal Jira Ticket: SDK-1447

Hello @joshsloat, You are correct in that authentication does not work for platforms other than iOS. If you create a client that takes in a developer token, the SDK should...

@joshsloat, you are correct that you will only be able to access your account. It is really only meant for development purposes. We will update our documentation to reflect that...

@joshsloat Sorry, I just updated the link and it should work now. Also, we are looking into adding macOS support in the near future (SDK-450). It is on our backlog.

@jacquesvandermerwe The command `box files:unshare` should be used to unshare i.e. delete a shared-link.

@Band-Aid The CLI uses our Node SDK. Since our Node SDK uses the recently deprecated `request` library, the CLI uses it as well. When we upgrade the Node SDK, the...

@bawanevaibhavi Did you follow the steps [here]( Also, did you set the url in the developer console?