Süleyman Vurucu

Results 12 issues of Süleyman Vurucu

# Version: Packer version: 1.7.10 go1.17.6 windows amd64] VMware® Workstation 15 Pro 15.5.7 build-17171714 [Version of the project installed] master [Details about the environment such as the Operating System, cookbook...

Status: Untriaged

When I create a new user with the CRD then the owner of the new creates database is always postgres. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5046525/174976058-f0ed3a8f-c96e-4dd5-9ab1-3093073fed35.png)

**What happened**: The suggested init brings the error "error: unable to recognize "kudo.yaml": no matches for kind "MutatingWebhookConfiguration" in version "admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1" **How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as...


I am evaluating tanzu for my company. If I try tu start vctl over the command line then the vmware needs admin rights. That's is not possible with my account....

Hi arun. Thanks a lot for that example. I have the same issue here. I think about to migrate our warehouse managemnt system ( based on JEE7 ) to microservice...

If I deploy the whoami job as a standard job then erverything is fine with nomad and treafik. I see my own certificate ( static no acme) on the web...


If I try a vagrant up or destroy sometime vagrant comes back with an error like > An error was encountered while generating the current list of available VMware adapters...

For example. To extract traefik hostnames with consul-tepmplate a template like shown below could be very handy. This template could be very helpful for dns resolution on some limited client...


I am sracping consul metrics over consul_sd_configs with the cinfig shown below: ```yaml - job_name: "integrations/consul_sd_minio" metrics_path: "/minio/v2/metrics/cluster" consul_sd_configs: - server: "consul.service.consul:8501" tags: ["prometheus_minio"] tls_config: insecure_skip_verify: true ca_file: "/certs/ca/ca.crt" cert_file:...


### Proposed change I am using the jnats java libraray an subsribe to a kv bucket with ```java natKvStoreService.deviceAggregateStore().watchAll(new KeyValueWatcher() { ``` This generates on every boot different consumer name...
