Süleyman Vurucu

Results 28 comments of Süleyman Vurucu

I find the workaround: the problem occurs on an early stage. During confiuration of grub. After typing "---" is the next wait to short. I increase this wait to 30s...

I know it's a little bit old topic but i am facing on the same promlem with an antoher serilisation framework named kryo. > @chupetoide Let me explain it a...

It seems so that something lags in acl permissions. If I change the default_policy from deny to allow then it works even with full enabled tls. The strange thing is...

> @suikast42 If setting the Consul ACL policy to `default_policy: "allow"` fixes the problem, that's likely a sign you are missing a Consul intention enabling a connection between the two...

It's not nice but my workarround is to deploy kudo manually. 1. kubectl kudo init --dry-run -o=yaml > 002_kudo.yaml 2. Add the nodeSelector in that yaml.

I do a downgrade to kubernetes version 1.21.5 and see the warning . But the issue is gone `Warning: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 MutatingWebhookConfiguration is deprecated in v1.16+, unavailable in v1.22+; use admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1...

> We are running into the same issue now. KUDO v0.19.0 will not `init` on a Kubernetes cluster running v1.22+. I try to build kudo from source but I failed...

> Damn it! I got this The problem is still present

For maven users ` org.codehaus.mojo properties-maven-plugin 1.0.0 set-system-properties jdk.tls.client.protocols TLSv1.2 `

> I have a similar problem but with the plugin version greater than 0.33.0: > > `Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Cannot create docker access object ` > > `Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLException:...