Mike Santiago

Results 11 comments of Mike Santiago

this project's dead but the `DiscordMessage` object has a `DiscordAttachment` object inside of it which then has a `URL` property which should link directly to the image. https://github.com/suicvne/DiscordSharp/blob/master/DiscordSharp/Objects/DiscordMessage.cs

i don't work on this too much nowadays but try the latest version from source. nuget hasn't been updated since april tbh




by fork do you mean DSharpPlus? Yeah I haven't touched this in about a year or two and i'm sure i've had the giant warning text on the README.md longer.

Sure thing, [test-map.zip](https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel-addons/files/1139706/test-map.zip) Also the constants definitions: ```hx public static inline var SLOPE_NORTHWEST = 0; public static inline var SLOPE_SOUTHWEST = 1; public static inline var SLOPE_NORTHEAST = 2; public...

[based on this gif](https://gyazo.com/fa05035d5d0313d43d0329a2baf9080b.gif) it seems like ALL tiles are being treated as NW slopes. strange indeed as I make sure none of the arrays in my `setSlopeArrays` function assign...

some further testing done: if i don't set slope arrays at all, and i use `map.overlapsWithCallback` as my collision handler instead of `FlxG.overlap` the player falls right through the world