Sudhir Kumar
Sudhir Kumar
@paf31 @soupi this will be an awesome feature. We can embed in documentation / help. Most importantly we can create something like a Notebook where people can type code and...
let me try this next weekend
@saurabhnanda I like the way Servant handles errors and its very flexible! ``` data ServantErr = ServantErr { errHTTPCode :: Int , errReasonPhrase :: String , errBody :: LBS.ByteString...
@saurabhnanda When we use Servant and servant client. We can re-use the same paths and types. Even though JSON is use to transfer data. We will be able to reliably...
@wz1000 I need to catch up with the discussions in the gitter...
what do you think about this package?
``` data TenantInactiveReason = NewTenant | DisabledTenant | UnpaidTenant data TenantStatus = ActivteTenant | InactiveTenant TenantInactiveReason data Tenant = Tenant TenantStatus (TenantPoly a b c d e f) createTenant ::...
Basically you want to make sure that a function return a tenant with a specific status. We can move that to tests right?
@BartAdv Can you explain about > PureScript is currently lacking an higher order FRP library We are using PureScript Pux and Thermite is something we are exploring for Web. Thermite...
@BartAdv Thermite is awesome for defining everything as Spec's and React is in the background. React has one of the highest performance and React Fiber is going to make things...