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Discussion: Secure Domain Model, Policy with Labeled IO
Building Secure systems with Haskell
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX-zsoPWah0 Presentation: https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~dstefan/talks/strangeloop2016.pdf
lio: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lio
Haskell enables us to build applications faster which are reliable, maintainable... and now.. we can also build applications which are secure.
The Idea is... MVC + Policy -> Model + Policy & VC
With policy we will be able to control who will be able to do what and which fields can be read/written by whom.
This will enable to separate code into trusted and untrusted code. Interns can write untrusted code and still not be able to introduce any security vulnerabilities.
This is pretty much the Operation/Permission monad I was discussing with @saurabhnanda on Gitter.
@wz1000 I need to catch up with the discussions in the gitter...