Allow support for both .a and .so files in AIX. If .so file is not found, allow fallback to .a extension. JBS Issue: [JDK-8319516]( --------- ### Progress - [ ]... introduces a new call to the macro FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY but is not using the correct number of arguments. jdk8u FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY takes 3 arguments JBS-ISSUE: [JDK-8331791]( --------- ### Progress - [...
--------- ### Progress - [ ] Change must be properly reviewed (1 review required, with at least 1 [Reviewer]( - [ ] Change must not contain extraneous whitespace - [...
dll_load_library() call fails is not analyzed (the ebuf content is ignored) dll_load_library does not analyze the contents of ebuf which leads to misleading error message when library loading fails. We...
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