Joel Howard-White
Joel Howard-White
It does seem odd that they would have inconsistent APIs, especially given that the `WidgetStrip.append` returns a Widget, and the two that extend this do not document an API change....
I believe it to be one, yes. A PR would be great, thanks 😄
As per @tsadler1988 comments on #426 I believe this behaviour to be intentional. So I'm going to mark this as an enhancement.
Suggested fix: ``` js getURL: function(href, tags) { var url = this._urlTemplate.replace(/^%href%/, href); url = url.replace(/%[a-z]+%/g, function(match) { var v; if((v = tags[match]) !== undefined) { return encodeURI(v); } return...
The example application is already doing this. You set the Carousel orientation to `Carousel.orientations.HORIZONTAL` and then call `setWidgetStrip` on the carousel, passing in `CullingStrip` component. This will set up the...
If using these strips it is compulsory to set widget lengths before performing an alignment. It may also be necessary to set the ‘Mask length’ (the size of the mask...
I haven't been able to reproduce this with those node versions on El Capitan, zsh 5.0.8 (x86_64-apple-darwin15.0). I would attempt a clean checkout and `npm i` first but - Couple...
Looks like a conflict of the version of phantom that is ultimately used by grunt-contrib-jasmine and your os. Try updating that to be the latest version and see if it...
@red010182 > Is it means that the .deb package built successfully but fail to build .AppImage package? If deb is built successfully, why should I need AppImage? The default configuration...
You can work around this by putting a simple class box in the lower right hand corner of the workspace, and moving around as you scroll. This implies the bug...