Sachin S.

Results 6 issues of Sachin S.

Sometimes I would like to rename the shots to something contextual/captioning while sharing/saving. Currently, you have to save it (I use Phone Saver) and open a gallery to do that,...

Markdown would let us write rich dairy entries --- # HEADER ## HEADER2 ### HEADER3 **BOLD** _Italics_ ~~Strickout~~ - lists - sublists - [x] checklist > quote ``` Code block...

long term plan

When accent is #ffffff white: ![]( When it's changed ![](

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I put groups into separate folders. When group members private message me it will go to all/users, which makes it...


It would be helpful if media size is shown on the post cards before having to start loading them. Many times gifs and videos are too large than one would...

Feature Request
Good First Issue

Android 9 stock Zenfone m1 1.2 from fdroid Change to a custom ringtone Soon the notification will not use the set one but system default BTW cool and useful app