
Results 330 comments of Steven

I can answer the question for this specific repository because the browser support is the same for `copee`. IE 11+, Chrome 43+, Opera 29+, and Firefox 41+

There are at least a couple packages that I know of written in TypeScript: - [@sindresorhus/is]( - [@sindresorhus/ow](

There were already options before ES6 Arrow Functions. See [this SO Question](

Its not really Packaging since it says it uses upx under the hood (we could add upx to the Package section) > Bundles Node.js (and packs using upx but the...

Anything you recommend from the article? Looks like most of them are already in this list. And revery is for Reason, not JavaScript.

Does it work on Mac/Windows/Linux?

Since this list is for "desktop" not mobile (see repo title 😄 ) I think the standard react-native is not worth mentioning. I looked at your links and I think...

Cloud9 is grandfathered into the list because it was one of the first Cloud IDEs dating back to 2011. Theia is included in the list as an honorable mention because...

Thanks for the description! I tried out the [Dockside Online IDE Live Demo]( and I see [this]( So I clicked on "open" next to ide and now I see [this](

> Launch a devtainer for a different project, say the profile. Thanks that worked. I was able to change the index.html and it showed up after refreshing the url....