Shark that walks like a man
Shark that walks like a man
That sounds good. Use `min` and `max` as shorthands, which is in use elsewhere. If you'd like to continue using this PR, I'll reopen it.
To make reviewing easier, go ahead and remove the migration result from the PR until it's otherwise approved.
I think we'd be okay with making the codebase a little more agnostic as far as what proficiency ranks there are, but this is far too niche to have a...
Your screenshot looks a little odd since there's no support for shield augmentations at the moment.
This is already caught at an outer scope
What additional details does the example screenshot have?
It's already obvious that a failed actor or item migration is from one of those two methods, and the screenshot doesn't show the migration number.
Oh, my bad: I see the number!
I'm not sure I follow what is being requested here. You can change the level a class feature is granted from a class item.
~~Wouldn't that make this proposal technically incorrect but convenient?~~ Okay, I see the point being made: while it's true that the scroll doesn't gain the tradition traits of the spell,...