Stephen DeWitt
Stephen DeWitt
Currently when material is added following the scan path we add material a fixed amount ahead of the heat source. To reduce the number of times we add material, it...
Currently, the heat source term assumes a quasi-fixed heat source location. For large time steps, we want to integrate over the path of the heat source.
Related to one of the points in #88.
It is not currently clear whether this is necessary for the targeted performance.
Implicit time stepping exists but hasn't been exercised much recently. The JFNK nonlinear solver may need work if we stop making linearity assumptions.
Currently data assimilation only works in serial.
According to Yousub, the more standard approach in other codes is that the power itself is in the scan path file, not a power scaling. I believe this is also...
If AMR is set such that the DOF decreases during the simulation (e.g. with "coarsen_after_beam" set to `true`), an out-of-bounds access can occur in `MaterialsProperties::set_state` when accessing the liquid and...
Currently, the input parameters controlling the standard deviation of model parameters for ensembles and whether or not to include them in augmented states are grouped in the "ensemble" and "data...