Stephen DeWitt
Stephen DeWitt
I believe the only dependencies are boost, mpi, p4est, and blas. You definitely don’t need to build petsc, slepsc, opencascade, trilinos, or hdf5. Off the top of my head I...
@ohcfe The docker image builds off of the standard deal.ii docker image. They add pretty much every possible package that deal.ii interfaces with so that the image is useful to...
@ohcfe Also, I checked the deal.ii API and it doesn't seem to have changed for the save method of parallel::distributed::triangulation. I'm really unclear on why you'd get this error. Your...
From a conversation with Patrick Brewick: Currently the manual is good for telling someone how to tweak an existing application to suit their needs. However, it isn't as helpful for...
The current code checks a component of a variable to see if the governing equation is TIME_INDEPENDENT or IMPLICIT_TIME_DEPENDENT and if it has only non-Dirichlet BCs. If both conditions are...
1) As it is currently, there are times where it simply won't converge without pinning a point. The solution just keeps bouncing around by an additive constant indefinitely. I suppose...
Ok, thanks for the heads-up. I was thinking that might be the case. The interplay between the DoFHandlers and the constraints is something I haven't done a deep dive on...
Also Efrain noted that he had to do "mpirun -n N ./main" instead of just "mpirun -n N main".
That plan sounds good to me. Kubra says she’s game to try to implement it. I’ll send her an outline of what’s required.
@david-montiel-t On second thought, I’ll post it here on GitHub, so there’s a more permanent record. I’ll email both of you when I do in case you don’t get a...