Stephen DeWitt
Stephen DeWitt
Currently, the apps are set up such that they have to be in the phaseField/applications directory because the paths to the includes and the core library are hard-coded. External apps...
Right now, the user is expected to write the code to actually insert the nucleus. It might be a good idea to write a generic function to do this. Doing...
Currently, we use std::mt19937 seeded by std::random_device. It isn't clear that this is the best option in terms of not getting correlated results. Preliminary browsing of StackExchange and the like...
Some users have found the OpenMPI causes issues with p4est.
Currently, they have blocks of similar code that could be put into a separate method.
Going down to one may improve performance.
The code doesn't work properly if one of the refinement criterion fields is a vector field. We need to generalize adaptiveRefineCriterion() in for vector fields. See: