Michael Stramel

Results 40 issues of Michael Stramel

In Lit v2 you can achieve some of these invalid binding positions by using `import { html } from 'lit/static-html.js'; `. We should probably warn about the binding positions if...

Add a rule to check that known boolean attributes are bound using the "boolean attribute binding", `?`. Attributes like `hidden`, `disabled`, `checked` etc. if bound to a variable should be...

Potential Rule Name: `no-render-side-effects` Disallows the use of "side-effects" inside the `render` method. @bennypowers shows a simple case in this tweet: https://twitter.com/PowersBenny/status/1387330749217611776 This could a bit trickier of a rule...

This is a perf enhancement suggested by lighthouse. When `wheel`, `touchstart`, `mousewheel`, `touchmove`, or`scroll` are bound in the template, they should utilize the `passive: true` property. To achieve this, you...

This rule could be similar to `eslint-plugin-wc`'s `guard-super-callback` that checks that any `super` lifecycle calls are guarded. One example is that Lit has a `updated` callback but doesn't need the...

It should warn when doing DOM manipulation outside of the render function. Basically not modifying the shadowRoot directly. Resource: https://lit-element.polymer-project.org/guide/templates#design-a-performant-template

It should be relatively easy to produce a fix for `wc/no-closed-shadow-root` rule on error. Taking `.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed' })` to `.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })`

help wanted

It should be relatively simple to add a fix for `wc/guard-super-call` Take a simple error state such as: ```js connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.setAttribute('bar', 'baz'); } ``` and change it to...

help wanted

As @bennypowers points out in his tweet, https://twitter.com/PowersBenny/status/1383706876106395648 It can be detrimental to performance to set `innerHTML` inside the constructor. To accomplish this in a more performant way, you can...

help wanted
new lint rule

I have seen quite a bit recently a pattern of a static getter or property for the component name. We could fairly easily add an opt-in rule for this. Something...

help wanted
new lint rule