Kyle J. Davis

Results 48 comments of Kyle J. Davis

@rlevitsky I don't think there is a plan to increment the Kibana version since nothing changed.

:wave: I'm on the OpenSearch team. Here is [some background on the client issue]( that appears to be causing this. I'm only vaguely familiar with SuperSet but I believe the...

I see how this addresses `Release notes are only available at release time`, which I like, but I'm failing to understand how it address the other two points. It seems...

@itamarhaber So, am I reading that this is the expected behaviour? Or will a fix to the modules API make module commands behave the same way as the in-built commands?

@misterek Hey - sorry for the radio silence on this. I know there are folks working on this in the short term.

@misterek FWIW, it's not exactly aligned to a versioned release but I would expect it on that timeline-ish.

Good catch. In reviewing `createClient`, the `url` takes precedence over any other options that can be specified inside the URL. The `options` object will be evaluated first, then the `url`...

@stmcginnis That's fine although API documentation didn't make it into the first round of documentation. It will probably remain on the README for a while yet.

> My concern is that redis might update their clients to look for this field, and error out if they see it. I suppose that is a risk for any...