Kyle J. Davis

Results 48 comments of Kyle J. Davis

@rgerhards Elastic's libraries have license checkers in them now ([read more]( - I think that's what @ryn9 is referring to.

Gentle bump on this - anything need to be modified?

I'm with you however... `LOLWUT output should be fast to generate so that the command can be called in production instances without issues. It should remain fast even when the...

@AngusP Fair enough. I would support removing 'run in production' to solve this particular issue.

@rhadw 1.13.3 was an emergency fix for log4j - that was the only priority. Any additional fixes would have to go into an additional release.

Also requested in the Forums.

Hey @syed-wajih - that's not going to happen. Elasticsearch 8.x.x (actually anything past 7.10.2) is [not open source software anymore]( That's why the [OpenSearch project]( was started - it's a...

@t-sivasakthi I would post your question on the forum:

This looks like a question for the security forum:

Yep. @pc-jedi is correct. There is no `amazon/opendistro-for-elasticsearch-kibana:1.13.3` because Kibana didn't change (1.13.3 only fixes the log4j stuff in the ES distribution, Kibana is written in Javascript so it isn't...