Steve Groom
Steve Groom
I am trying to do something very similar - I am running ddclient inside docker-compose and want to store the sensitive information in a local .env file and pass the...
Hi @SuperSandro2000 I eventually went for a plain ```ddclient.conf``` file and added a ```.gitignore``` record. It is not ideal because if I ever have to recreate the config file it...
Hello @dyennam Here is my docker-compose.yml ```yaml --- version: "2.1" services: ddclient: image: linuxserver/ddclient container_name: ddclient environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Europe/London volumes: - ./config:/etc/ddclient restart: unless-stopped command: ddclient...
I was referring to that box. It is poorly differentiated between current and legacy versions. A cancelable Auto-forward after a couple of seconds would greatly aid usability.
Updated to HA 2024.2.3, all NodeRed related maintenance was already on latest version. Could not reproduce the problem though.
The model was auto detected when I installed the HomeAssistant app on the MacBook Pro. I was wondering if the issue could be related to the model name with a...