Steve Fan

Results 123 comments of Steve Fan

好好珍重, 回家好好休息下吧, 人就是這麼脆弱

@vorot93 well I used this project in actix and 3.x is still using tokio 0.2 this point...maybe i misconfigured something?

I found some interesting fact surrounding multicast address maybe? On Windows machine, if you started Wireshark/Npcap to capture packets, the interface metric actually favors Wireshark (because it needs to be...

@julianlam I want to image size to be as small as possible to better fit in a k8s cluster. Almost all of us use Alpine as base image.

@julianlam And I think that hacking the Dockerfile to use Alpine will be very dangerous and it will affect downstream images as well, so I rather take a step back...

I think it LGTM. The image size now is trimmed down by 2,27x, a very considerable shrink in sizes.

@nilsramsperger ~fine, i'll revert to npm~I found out that one key point of having a dramatic size decrease is due yarn and how it deletes cache. I need to have...

@NazimHAli yes, there is no way to keep node_modules for some reason, especially when it involved plugins, and I realized Docker might not be the right tech for this.

I planned to use it in Kubernetes, but then I realized I cannot do layered volumes on demand, so I wanted to have a separate plugin volume that layered on...