Stephen Crosby

Results 77 comments of Stephen Crosby

I am running into this problem with EventSource headers. If your request includes "Accept: text/event-stream" like the specification says you MAY do, and as Chrome does, the response returned has...

It would be nice to have this built-in to axlsx as we do currently have to do our own formula detection/escaping where I work.

This is super cool @laasem. There are a lot of things our users want to do with notifications and my thought is Errbit is never going to be able to...

We can discuss different ideas. But my first thought is we should create a 'errbit_notifier_slack' app whose whole job is to accept a web hook from Errbit, build a suitable...

It's totally up to you. Does the webhook payload from Errbit give you everything you need?

@laasem Adding to the web hook seems like a good idea. If you make a PR to add all the attributes you need to the web hook and a test...

Thanks for picking this up! I'm sure our users will love it if we can get support for multiple exceptions. The first thing I'm thinking is about how to best...

This feature would definitely have some value and I'd personally love to see it implemented in errbit.

Are you saying that you find it inconvenient to configure puma with its configuration file and you'd prefer a way to do it using environment variables?

I could see adding some more environment variable friendly config for puma. Maybe you could play with adding something like: `bind(ENV['PUMA_BIND'], "tcp://{ENV['PORT'] || 8080}")` to This way you could...