Stephane Leandre Paul
Stephane Leandre Paul
if your using aurora serverless mysql don't need the proxy, if your using aurora mysql or rds mysql yes use a proxy for serverless apps.
if your using lambda#edge use ssm, if your using lambda you can use env variables.
you should be calling rollback in your try catch yourself actually. ``` const transaction = await db.transaction() try { transaction.query(() => ["INSERT INTO items (created_at) VALUES(?)", [new Date()]]) transaction.commit() catch...
actually serverless-mysql uses mysql by doug wilson underneath it all, This is where you will get your answer about sanitization.
this won't work in lambda#edge, you need ssm and you just need the aws-sdk ``` const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const SSM = new AWS.SSM({ apiversion: '2014-11-06' }); const parameter =...
no point you can use terraform import to do what this script does.
interested in helping out
based on googles documentation to group requests, you need to specify a session_id, so it groups up the calls
will definitely contribute
any more info on this?