STULabel icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
STULabel copied to clipboard

A faster and more flexible label view for iOS

Results 14 STULabel issues
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I m not able to my code because it gives me an error "Declaration of 'atomic' must be imported from module 'std.atomic' before it is required" X code version 13.3.1...

Didn't test this much, just enough to get it to build.

M1 iMac XCode 13.4 Always throws error during build. Removing derived data doesn't fix it. Building directly in Xcode works fine, only happens in Xcodebuild. Removing STULabel lets build succeed....

Wonder library for sure :) I've been bumping into an issue since day one with STULabel. Seems you can't set a label with a text (like: "abc") And then update...

Faced such an error. It would be nice to find a solution to this problem. It is not possible to determine the case, I have never shown it. However, users...

Arabic Language is not supported in STULabel I am facing some error. Error is => 'Condition not satisfied: false && "The key must be less than maxValue"' I am used...

Attached is the demo project with the changed TapToReadMoreVC class in an attempt to change the link color. Is there any way we can change link colors? [](

Fix ambiguous Byte namespace for Xcode 12