STULabel icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
STULabel copied to clipboard

A faster and more flexible label view for iOS

Results 14 STULabel issues
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Would it be possible to make this a swift package?

Attached example project: [](

Hey. Time to time App is crashing. Can you help me? ``` #0 0x000000018d689f6c in objc_exception_throw () #1 0x000000018d863c4c in +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] () #2 0x000000018dce80d4 in -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:description:] () #3...

Hey! We've been testing this framework on a few text-heavy screen for a while now without any issues, however, on our last update, we seem to have introduced this type...