Discouraging as in pop up a warning or info message explaining that cblocks are already compressing the data.
RMB is using gestures for three functionalities: move down right => zoom in move upper right => win fit move left => zoom out The last two also draw a...
Only the main layout window uses gestures, in navigator rmb always zooms in.
It's a feature, not a bug. But it can be unexpected for the uninitiated user. A feature request would be to make the gestures more obvious by changing the "draw...
Could you be specific which tool had issues with this notation ? Even though it's a valid point to make it harder to write files that other tools can’t properly...
MacBook Air M1 2560x1600 connected to 4k Monitor, display setting to scaled, using // and \\\\ stipple for the two boxes displays both when created on either display and moved...
Just to get another datapoint, what happens when you add more layer with different stipple ?
With regard to profiling, here’s a tool with an interesting approach.
Please keep in mind that every tool on the planet reads gds.gz files directly, whereas I know of no other widely used compression format for gds. The 2005 oasis is...
From what I can tell, there are two reasons why OpenLane gds are so unusually big that are more important to address then switching to oasis, because they affect both...