Stefan Stefanov
Stefan Stefanov
Currently the debug timestamp returns the whole record file in which the current search entity is present. Please make sure it returns only the relevant entities. Filter out the "Monitor...
Currently the debug endpoint returns only the main record. Please make sure it returns the child records as well.
### Description When docker is stopped, the local node does unnecessary check. > [Hedera-Local-Node] ERROR (DockerService) Docker is not running. > [Hedera-Local-Node] ERROR (DockerService) Your docker memory resources are set...
**Description**: Executing an internal call with value against PRNG/Exchange rate precompile addresses returns success. Only the contract that acts as middleman is credited with hbars. **Related issue(s)**: Fixes #
Write E2E suites for HSCS operations affected by the security model Token Burn --> **Related issue(s)**: Fixes #
Direct call w/o value to system accounts [0.0.361-0.0.750] result in precompile error ### **Description**: Executing a ContractCall w/o value to system account in the range[0.0.361-0.0.750) result in PRECOMPILE_ERROR `Expected result:`...
**Description**: - freezeToken - unfreezeToken Suite | Tests | Signatures -- | -- | -- FreezeUnfreezeTokenPrecompileV1SecurityModelSuite | freezeUnfreezeFungibleWithNegativeCases() freezeUnfreezeNftsWithNegativeCases() isFrozenHappyPathWithLocalCall() | - transaction payer- contract Id- freeze key **Related issue(s)**:...
**Description**: - grantTokenKyc - revokeTokenKyc Suite | Tests | Signatures -- | -- | -- GrantRevokeKycV1SecurityModelSuite | grantRevokeKycSpec | - transaction payer- contract Id- KYC key **Related issue(s)**: Fixes...
Signed-off-by: Stefan Stefanov **Description**: - dissociateTokens - dissociateToken Suite | Tests | Signatures -- | -- | -- DissociatePrecompileV1SecurityModelSuite | dissociatePrecompileHasExpectedSemanticsForDeletedTokens() nestedDissociateWorksAsExpected() multiplePrecompileDissociationWithSigsForFungibleWorks() | - transaction payer- contract Id **Related...