get following error tryng to compile, used following command: make toolchain esptool libhal `STANDALONE=n log file error: [DEBUG] ==> Executing: 'touch' '/home/steeve/esp/esp-open-sdk/crosstool-NG/.build/src/.ncurses-6.0.patched' [DEBUG] ==> Executing: 'rm' '-f' '/home/steeve/esp/esp-open-sdk/crosstool-NG/.build/src/.ncurses-6.0.patching' [DEBUG] ==>...
As before i can connect to machine but after few seconds i loose connection. the reconnect button has no effect. i also still have the jackson parse exception when i...
hello, installing sqlite3 and changing 2 lines of code you could implement a safer way to backup the moonraker sqlite db. Steps: apt-get install sqlite3 add `outfile=$config_folder/moonraker-sql.db` variable in variable...