esp-open-sdk copied to clipboard
can't compile on Ubuntu
get following error tryng to compile, used following command: make toolchain esptool libhal `STANDALONE=n
log file error:
[DEBUG] ==> Executing: 'touch' '/home/steeve/esp/esp-open-sdk/crosstool-NG/.build/src/.ncurses-6.0.patched'
[DEBUG] ==> Executing: 'rm' '-f' '/home/steeve/esp/esp-open-sdk/crosstool-NG/.build/src/.ncurses-6.0.patching'
[DEBUG] ==> Executing: 'touch' '/home/steeve/esp/esp-open-sdk/crosstool-NG/.build/src/.binutils-2.25.1.extracting'
[DEBUG] Entering '/home/steeve/esp/esp-open-sdk/crosstool-NG/.build/src'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'binutils-2.25.1'
[DEBUG] ==> Executing: 'mkdir' '-p' 'binutils-2.25.1'
[DEBUG] ==> Executing: 'tar' '--strip-components=1' '-C' 'binutils-2.25.1' '-xv' '-f' '-'
[FILE ] tar: This does not look like a tar archive
[FILE ] tar: Skipping to next header
[FILE ] tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
[ERROR] >>
[ERROR] >> Build failed in step 'Extracting and patching toolchain components'
[ERROR] >> called in step '(top-level)'
[ERROR] >>
[ERROR] >> Error happened in: CT_DoExecLog[scripts/functions@257]
[ERROR] >> called from: CT_Extract[scripts/functions@982]
[ERROR] >> called from: do_binutils_extract[scripts/build/binutils/]
[ERROR] >> called from: main[scripts/]
[ERROR] >>
[ERROR] >> For more info on this error, look at the file: 'build.log'
[ERROR] >> There is a list of known issues, some with workarounds, in:
[ERROR] >> 'share/doc/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng-1.22.0-60-g37b07f6f/B - Known issues.txt'
[ERROR] (elapsed: 1:36.22)
Same error!
Check your build.log file.
code /esp_open_sdk/crosstool-NG/build.log
in order to compile crosstool-NG, the make file is using the scripts found
in this folder: /opt/esp-open-sdk/crosstool-NG/scripts/build/companion_libs/
to download dependencies to /esp-open-sdk/crosstool-NG/.build/tarballs/
Manually download the required files and copy them into /esp-open-sdk/crosstool-NG/.build/tarballs/
run make
Probably not related to the error you describe, but for the benefit of anyone trying to build this on recent Ubuntu (e.g. 21.10) and having trouble: I had to collect fixes from various places, plus my own fix for a compile error in gcc-4.8.5. The end result (which gets me a clean build on Ubuntu 21.10 of an apparently working toolchain) can be found here: Tarball of built toolchain:
Probably not related to the error you describe, but for the benefit of anyone trying to build this on recent Ubuntu (e.g. 21.10) and having trouble: I had to collect fixes from various places, plus my own fix for a compile error in gcc-4.8.5. The end result (which gets me a clean build on Ubuntu 21.10 of an apparently working toolchain) can be found here:
#391 Tarball of built toolchain:
Thank you Sir for your patching work, your repo, and your message here that pointed it out !
I am running linux Mint 21 which is based on Ubunty Jammy. In addition to your repo, because of the python replacement, I had to:
- install the python3-is-python-dev package so that the build will finish successfully
- replace the esptool directory with, in the root of the esp-open-sdk
- install python3-serial instead of python-serial Hope this helps !
I haven't tried the other forks yet since I am building an old application.