Piotr Migdał

Results 49 comments of Piotr Migdał

@aymericdamien As I see in most cases it is as simple as adding brackets to `print`s.

Sadly, nothing worked for me on Windows 10 (neither these paths with `...npm\\flow`, nor with `...npm\\flow.cmd`). What worked for me (from a similar thread is there https://github.com/codota/tabnine-vscode/issues/45): * Edited `C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\TabNine\TabNine.toml`...

Thanks, @waleedka ! I see it uses Graphviz (fortunately, now it is easy to install it it with `conda`; previously it was painful), open ot developing a more interactive version....

@waleedka Thank you! So, it is awesome to learn that we can to the same ideas... and make them work. Do you think it would be a good idea to...

I have a similar issue: https://github.com/Quantum-Game/bra-ket-vue/issues/14. It works locally (i.e. `yarn serve`) but when I try to pack it, computed things (based on props) do not work. Elements with props...

Your visualization of GoogLeNet is nice, and being able to zoom is wonderful. What I miss though is: * some "folded" view where I only see the high-level structure (like...

Yes, it was I meant; just interactive to tweak level of unfolding. For colors, I recommend on of these themes: http://bl.ocks.org/aaizemberg/78bd3dade9593896a59d

OK, I thought your goal was to **visualize** networks, but I see that you want a more tightly knit solution. Sure, Keras exports structures in JSON; so they question was...

@mlajtos This slow motion is what I meant, thanks for sharing. :) In any case - do you plan to continue your project? This June I might be working on...

@mlajtos Thanks for your update! In the meantime, I gave a talk about "Simple diagrams of convoluted neural networks" ([slides here](https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7xako61ihuh82k/20180707_network_viz_pydata_berlin.pdf?dl=0)). Obviously, I talk about your vis as well. :)...