Stan Cox
Stan Cox
I am seeing failures while running the testsuite on Fedora 35 (most recent release) and 36 (development version) Test results are at: x8664-results.log is a description of what is...
The systemtap dyninst backend creates a shared object containing probe functions. The shared object cannot currently be loaded and I chased the problem down to dyninst being unable to parse...
For the dyninst ppcle target, jump table analysis during code parsing fails with: Dyninst::DataflowAPI::RoseInsnPPCFactory::handleSpecialCases(entryID, SgAsmInstruction*, SgAsmOperandList*): Assertion `power_op_bclr == iapi_opcode' failed. This patch bypasses the problem: --- dyninst-11.0.0/dataflowAPI/src/RoseInsnFactory.C.orig 2021-06-09 15:54:21.753883619...
The heuristics for the dyninst ppcle target fail in findMain to find main inside striped binaries. This is the case for most any standard executable.