Stan Cox

Results 14 comments of Stan Cox

Above is with dyninst-11.0.0. Files on echo.ppc64le (fails processCreate) (fails CodeDump) (passes CodeDump, fails loadLibrary) (passes CodeDump, passes loadLibrary) mutator-ll.cpp (does a loadLibrary of a given...

@mxz297 Right you are, upstream does indeed work. Should have checked that first. For a rhel release I am limited to only patching, not switching out the version. Think that...

@hainest Thanks for the patch. That fixes the x86_64 problem. I still see the ppc64le problem: % LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/scox/dyninst/install/lib DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB=/home/scox/dyninst/install/lib/ ./mutator-ll -dynamic /usr/bin/echo /usr/lib64/ --FATAL-- #68: Dyninst was unable to create...

The problem is iapi_opcode is power_op_bc. I have no idea if this is right but it does get dyninst to handle on ppc. power_op_bc is not handled; perhaps it...

@mxz297 @hainest BTW I narrowed down the 11.0.1 changes to find the culprit and it was this one: Skip parsing of blocks whose code buffer is null (#1033) That build...

@mxz297 Ah you're right about echo; thought I had grabbed the debuginfo for that. It works okay with it of course. The stapdyn testsuite seems to run okay with the...

I will create two prs for the ppcle cases and we can close this one.

I got similar results on Fedora 35 which has gcc-11.2.1-1.fc35 as with Fedora 36 (rawhide) which has gcc-12.0.1-0.6.fc36. The dockerhub containers should be the same as my environment is just...

Is this a problem though? I notice the standard (1) says: "the value of the operand of delete may be a null pointer" (1)

ah yes I see that now. @ret2libc by the way we have also done a coverity run of dyninst and I notice there are a lot of "Error: RESOURCE_LEAK"