Peter Turek
Peter Turek
I would like to add that I don't have SSFW, so I didn't run the tests, standards, or generated commands, sorry
Hello @vitek-rostislav, I see you add tag _Status: info needed_ and I am not sure that you need more info from me or you need more info from your collaborators?
@henzigo or someone, can you add for this and add label "Status: in implementation" because it exists PR for these issues, please? P.S.: can you edit PR "Fixes...
in actual default branch, it's already fixed
> Can you try to apply these standards to other yamls in next commit? I am interested how it would look applied to all our configuration files. In some cases,...
Hello, how does it look with this pull request? Can I/we something do to help finish this pull request? Thanks cc @ApacheEx 
Please do not close this issue, I believe, I finish my checker soon, then I send pull request with a description and with implemented checker. Thanks
@TomasVotruba My library can be set to check alphabetically sort, check correct indents, check intent between groups and check observance style of yaml file. All checkers will show you difference...
Hello @PetrHeinz, i am glad, you are interested. I need finish a fix command and maybe make little refactoring. I think in a few days will be released and then...
Hello, @PetrHeinz i create finally pull request with this checkers, which you are interested. You can see in this pull request #539.