
Results 29 issues of Sall

## Standards checklist: - [X] The PR title is descriptive. - [X] The PR doesn't replicate another PR which is already open. - [X] I have read the contribution guide...

Area: plugin

- Fix the codeblock syntax for Custom Domain configuration. - Minor improvement of sentence readability. The commit fixes syntax for the following error: Expected "route" to be either a string...

Fix: - [ ] `nval-ice-list` - [ ] `ice-list` This ensures correct highlighting and performance. Also improves/fixes plugins, annexes, and related scripts which need to retrieve the ices.

Create the default directory structure for `ZPFX` same time as `ZI[HOME_DIR]`. This prevents missing directories when installing plugins and can be [documented]( and explained in the wiki on how it...

> Fix: - [ ] manpath Treat `ZI[MAN_DIR]` as default for manpages instead of previously used: `$ZPFX/man`, ensure the directory is available in `manpath` when the variable is changed.

Fix: - [ ] notify ice Current: correct highlighting: `zi ice notify` incorrect highlighting: `zi ice notify'some text'`

## Correct, consistent, and accessible codebase [WIP] - Work in progress: [DO NO PRESS] Many functions, messages, and general visual appearance is not working, are incorrect, or are just deprecated....

no-stale πŸ”’
maintenance πŸ“ˆ
package πŸ“¦
good first issue

no-stale πŸ”’

``` # TODO: remember and remove hooks ```

no-stale πŸ”’

``` # TODO: Fully handle multiple plugin loads ```

no-stale πŸ”’