
Results 14 comments of Sall

Hey @slorber, I recently adopted Docusaurus for my projects. While having the learning curve I can kick off Lithuanian translations, at the same time would be a great practice for...

Seems possible, but requires a lot of work. Will add no-stale as low-priority.

For trials, I set this instead of adding to the enterprise. -

Hi @andreseichi could you confirm that you are still having the issue? Due to changes made at the same time as the issue was open, it might have been solved...

Solution might be to assign internal domain for docker hosts and point your as CNAME. In most cases 'ROOT_DOMAIN' used with 'SRV records'. As your swarm instance able to...

I assume I miss understood. Probably you want to deploy app lika a nginx proxy manager to reverse proxy. Have you tried? If no I can refer for more detail....

I think that it is worth wrapping `` into one `README.json` file to parse from. :building_construction: The file `README.json` could be processed and offered separately as an alternative to view...

Everything has a price :upside_down_face:, however, this particular decision can be biased, and opinion-based. It might be worth sketching the roadmap. :writing_hand: ( Just an idea ) :see_no_evil: I'll try...

Regarding zinit recent disappearance, we created to continue its support.

Hi @amogus07 :wave: I need to be able reproduce the issue, here are some tips to narrow it down: Load only `zpmod` module and check if the issue persists. If...