Sean Pomeroy

Results 17 comments of Sean Pomeroy

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> Maybe out of scope on this issue but I believe there are 1-2 references in this repo too. Excellent catch @dwbrown2! See the above-mentioned PR.

@Adam-Stack-PM Yes, still required. Should be a very simple review.

It appears that I do not have the ability to assign a reviewer or labels since moving to the new opencost GH org.

@Adam-Stack-PM You are free to close this issue as #1290 has been merged.

Do we not have an action to stand up an example site via Vercel? Or am I missing it?

This may be helpful for those that want to better understand the difference between amortized and net amortized. See the section "Net amortized costs" [on this AWS doc page.](

Have we implemented, or are there any plans to implement the use of the net amortized costs?

@AjayTripathy I only removed the logic to test for outliers. I'm not sure if we still need the node price average logic.