Ayase Minori

Results 92 issues of Ayase Minori

``lib/`` itself is a whole library on its own. We can start making this part agnostic of platform. ### TODO: - [ ] Remove some hardcoded parts and make them...


To be able to test features without compromising our release schedule, I'm introducing a risk-free way to test experimental commands. ### How it works: - Any command that is tagged...


Looks like Sharding is broken because we get an error when we try to shard to 2 or more, probably because we're not reporting the correct shard IDs.


This is a backlog issue that we want to agile in a later date. No, we're not turning Clara into Ayana, reason for this is we implemented a really monolithic...


Since we're moving to a new kind of IPFS pinning service, we're going to relax the initial ratelimits by just enforcing size limits to prevent abuse. Starting from now on...


Right now, I've seen forks trying to change but they have no idea `production` branch isn't supposed to be committed at. Going to begin with preliminaries should help people be...


It seems the import checker for TypeScript is showing us errors despite being valid. I'll disable it for now and probably raise the issue to the author of the ESLint...


This is intended to maintain the quality of the matches. Our best match is 99% and our minimum match should be no lower than 85%. If nothing meets this critera,...


We have the option to use two of the following: - an dApps Auth using your Ethereum wallet as your credentials, preferrably MetaMask. - classic SSO by a third party....


While we could allow guests to upload to the booru, we run on limited resources here so we might want to have User Authentication. Site admins can make uploading user-only...
